Zagłówek i rama łóżka z litego drewna
Tapicerowany zagłówek i rama łóżka / wysoka rama łóżka.
Wezgłowie wykonane z ukształtowanej metalowej rury z powłoką epoksydową i plecione paski skórzane.
Łóżko Tapicerowane / Rama wysoka rama łóżka.
lozko _trama pianca WYMIARY[:en]
Magic, adventure, love and destiny are part of the fantastic story set in this bed. This story has three different happy-endings: one is in solid wood, strong and natural; another is covered by fabric or by smooth leather, minimal and demanding; and the last is in woven leather, precious and complex. But the main characters of this story are you.
Headboard and bed frame made of solid wood
Upholstered headboard and bed frame/tall bed frame.
Headboard made of shaped metal pipe with epoxide coating and plaited leather stripes.
Upholstered bed frame/tall bed frame.